Georgia has clear laws about marijuana possession, but they can be confusing. The state separates medical and recreational use, with different rules for each.
It is important to understand these laws, especially if you are presently facing criminal charges. Misunderstanding the difference between medical and recreational use can lead to significant consequences, including fines, jail time or community service. Being informed about the marijuana laws in the state can help you protect yourself and stay in compliance.
Possession laws
Possessing marijuana in Georgia is illegal unless you are using it for medical purposes. To legally use medical cannabis, patients must meet certain criteria. One of these is that the cannabis oil must have no more than 5% THC. THC is the substance in marijuana that causes a “high” feeling. You must also have certain conditions to meet the requirements. These include cancer, epilepsy, intractable pain and severe AIDS.
To use medical cannabis, patients must apply for a low-THC Oil Registry Card from the Department of Public Health. This card is available to adults with qualifying conditions, legal guardians of adults with qualifying conditions and parents of children with qualifying conditions.
Seeking legal help
If you are unsure about the marijuana laws in Georgia or how they apply to your situation, consulting an attorney can be a crucial step. An attorney can help explain the laws and help you understand how marijuana use might affect your case. It is essential to understand the laws and your options to make informed decisions.