Felony Offenses Attorneys Serving Georgia

A felony is a serious charge. Unlike misdemeanors and other minor charges that can in certain cases be expunged from a person’s record, felonies almost always stick with a person the rest of his or her life. Being labeled a “convicted felon” will make it very difficult to find employment, obtain a loan and can certainly damage your reputation. If you have been charged with a felony, you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer to help you mitigate the impact that a felony conviction can have on your life.
David West & Associates works with clients throughout the state of Georgia to reduce or eliminate felony charges. David S. West is a criminal defense attorney who has helped clients facing felony charges achieve favorable outcomes since 1994. Contact our law firm today to discuss your situation with one of Georgia felony offenses attorneys.
Georgia Theft Lawyers Representing Clients Facing Felony Charges
A felony charge can lead to the loss of rights such as:
- The right to own a firearm
- The right to vote while in prison
- The right to hold public office
A felony conviction can also make it very difficult to find a job. Simply put, the ramifications of a felony conviction can last for years — unless you have an experienced attorney on your side. Mr. West represents clients facing felony charges in both state and federal courts. His law firm services clients nationwide in all federal charges.
Mr. West secured an acquittal for a client in DeKalb County who was arrested after entering a woman’s apartment while intoxicated. At the time, he was carrying weapons, including two knives and a fake gun, which he pulled from his pocket. Mr. West successfully argued that the client had simply entered the apartment by mistake and that he did not harm the woman — and helped the client avoid a possible 60-year prison sentence.
Felony charges generally mean that you are facing more than a year in prison and hefty fines over $1,000. Our law firm cannot stress the serious situation that you are in. Make sure to take action and to consult with one of our seasoned defense lawyers in Georgia.
Contact Us: Atlanta Theft Defense Attorneys Serving All of Georgia
If you have been charged with a violent crime or other felony, we can help. Contact our office in Marietta, Georgia, at 678-384-4069 or 888-597-6596.